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Aluminium - LAMY LX with engraving

Youth initiation time! What fits better than a noble writing instrument with a personal touch. I hope we have met the taste of the young lady.

We regularly get engraving orders for fine writing pencils from the left-handed shop. But rarely do we have such interesting names or captions. We're still puzzling over what this acronym stands for.

Technical parameters for engraving anodized aluminum

Material: Lamy LX shaft, anodised aluminium
Colour: rose gold
Performance: 40%
Speed: 20%
Frequency: 25KHz
Passes: 1
Focus shift: 0
Air cooling: 0
Mode: Grid
Laser: CO2 40W
Resolution: 3600DPI
Font: Buffalo-Regular
Processing time: 61 seconds

High resolution, not so much energy, then the font is not so wide
