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Plastic - On demand engraving of small series

The engraving of the cups is so automated and the processes are so well prepared at this point, that we can interpose the cups into ongoing production on request.

That's why the left-handed shop also offers these mugs for individual engraving. Within 30 minutes, the customer can pick up the cup in the shop. Alternatively, you can also order the mugs in the online shop at with your own engraving.

Technical parameters for engraving plastic coating touch

Material: Touch of Kahla porcelain
Color: Black
Performance: 60%
Speed: 100%
Frequency: 25khz
Passes: 3
Focus shift: 0
Air cooling: 0
Mode: Grid
Laser: CO2
Resolution: 300DPI

Depending on the color you have to vary the performance.
The brighter the touch surface, the less performance.
The resolution should not be higher than 400 DPI, otherwise the laser stays in one place for too long and unsightly dark edges form.
