Technical parameters of aluminum business card engraving
Material: aluminum card 0.2 mm anodized
Performance: test range from 10 - 100%
Speed: 100%
Frequency: 25khz
Passes: 1
Focus Shift: -1, -05, 0, 0.5, 1
Air cooling: 0
Mode: Grid
Laser: CO2 40W
Resolution: 300, 400, 500, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600 DPI
Font: ITC Officina Sans Book
Duration: 12 - 252 sec
In this test we tried to limit the best engraving parameters to 3 ways.
The first test was the machine-specified standard test with power variation. This took place at 300 DPI, raster engraving, 100% speed, no focus shift and various powers of 19%, 31%, 46%, 58%, 73% and 86%.
The result amazed us, because the machine changed the focus in the meantime and thus made the engraving unusable at 59%. Nevertheless, it turned out that higher performance also brings better results. Liked best and the contrast at 86%.
In the second test, we varied the performance again because there was a dropout in the first. We varied the power in 10% increments. We left the resolution at 300 DPI and the speed at 100%. If you analyze the first 10 numbers with a magnifying glass, you can see that too little energy (10%) gives a bad result. After that, the energy variation hardly makes a difference at 300 DPI.
In the next step, we varied the resolution and the performance.
100% performance and 3600 DPI took 259 seconds. The result was useless.
90% performance and 2400 DPI is also not a very good result.
80% at 1200 DPI brought a fairly decent result, which we then used for the other focus variations.
70% at 600 DPI
60% at 500 DPI
50% at 400 DPI
gave very similar results.
Then we varied the focus in -1, -0.5, 0.5 and -1 mm.
There were no clear differences here.