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Plastic - Engraving of cups

In the left-handed shop in Erfurt, customers ask for a personally engraved mug almost every week. Since we usually finish these within 30 minutes and the customers pick them up very quickly, we rarely get the opportunity to photograph the cups.

Technical parameters for engraving the touch! surface

Materials: touch! by Kahla cup
Colour: blue and green
Performance: 60%
Speed: 100%
Frequency: 25KHz
Passes: 3
Focus shift: 0
Air cooling: 0
Mode: Grid
Laser: CO2 40 watts
Resolution: 300DPI
Font: ITC Officina Sans Bold Italic
Duration: 395 Seconds

Depending on the color you have to vary the performance. The brighter, the less power. DPI should not exceed 400, otherwise the laser stays in one place for too long and unsightly dark edges form.
