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Plastic - Mug with individual engraving

From time to time we also engrave mugs for the left-handed shop. Most of the time we don't get the opportunity to photograph them because they're only picked up from the store a few minutes after they're finished.

We engraved this model just before the store closed so that we didn't have to have it ready for collection until the next day. Interesting here is the engraving where the text in the top line runs from left to right and in the bottom line from right to left. Unusual for our eyes, for a retrained left-hander probably not a big hurdle to recognize this.

Technical parameters for engraving the touch surface

Material: Touch by Kahla mug
Color green
Performance: 60%
Speed: 100%
Frequency: 25KHz
Passes: 2
Focus shift: 0
Air cooling: 0
Mode: Grid
Laser: CO2 40 watts
Resolution: 300DPI
Font: ITC Officina
Engraving time: 371 seconds

Depending on the color you have to vary the performance.
The brighter, the less power.
DPI should not exceed 400, otherwise the laser will stay in one place for too long and unsightly dark edges will form.
